Saturday, November 27, 2010

Update on Life

Hi everyone, sorry its been forever since I last posted on here. Lots of happened in our family. All of your summer activities, William's first birthday, trip to Bend, and Halloween. In July we camped for a week by Mt. Saint Helen's on one of the lakes and had lots of fun. Also, William had his first swimming lessons for a month starting the end of July to August. Here are some pictures of our camping trip where William loved playing in the dirt and with sticks.. Here he is playing in some leaves when we went hiking to some see some waterfalls. August 29 was William's 1st Birthday! We had family and some friends from both sides meet us at Bush Park by the playground closer to South High School. I bought a cake from Roth's for everyone else and my sister Andrea made William's cake. William's Cake: Chocolate cake, banana Everyone else's cake for his party filling, and chocolate frosting Before eating his cake I decided to have presents. He got new clothes, rain jacket, books, videos, shoes, toys, and a riding car. William was very unsure what to do when I handed him the cake at first. Then we started eating it on the side near to him and liked. He didn't get too messy until about 10 minutes in when he got a sugar high because there was frosting/cake everywhere on him, the highchair, the ground. He started throwing and smashing his cake. It was super funny. Here are before and after pictures of him with his cake: September I started back to work as a substitute teacher with Jason watching William and things started to slow down. Then at the beginning of October we went and visited my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew in Bend for the weekend. We left Friday and had dinner at their house, then sat we went to a Pumpkin Patch on the outside of Redmond where there are pony rides, pumpkin launchers, petting zoo, pumpkins, and food. William had lots of fun eating the hay, riding the pony, seeing the animals, getting pumpkins. Here are some pictures of us at the pumpkin patch: Riding on Dad's back around the patch First horse ride with dad holding me With momma eating some hay Picking out my own pumpkin Eating some hay on the haystack

Monday, July 19, 2010

1st Family Camping Trip

We went camping for the first time as a family at Swift Reservoir, which is on the North side of Mt Saint Helens. We were there from July 11-16th with my mom's side of the family. We had 4 camp sites with 8 tents because we could only have 2 tents per site. William had a wonderful time walking around finding sticks and playing in the dirt. The picture above is of William walking around the campground smiling. William did a wonderful job with playing, eating, and sleeping except for 2 nights when he had a diaper rash and the 2nd night when it was super cold. Here is a pic of William playing in the dirt and his hiding spot. On the second day we went up to a lookout spot of Mt. Saint Helen's and then went to a place where there were waterfalls that were beautiful. Here are some pics of the mountain and the waterfalls.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

9 Months

Sorry it has been a long time since I last posted something on here. Life has been busy and getting ready for summer. My dad has an appointment next tues to see how his cancer and then decide if he needs more treatment. William is getting so big as you can see in his picture. He is 9 1/2 months almost now and at his appointment he weighed 20.5 lbs and 28.5 inches long. He weighs mostly 9 month clothes now, but still some 6-9 months because he has short legs like his momma, haha. He is moving all the time these days especially getting ready to walk. He walks with or along anything and has started standing by himself for about 2-3 seconds and has taken 1-2 steps before falling. He will stand for about 10 seconds if he has something in his hands and doesn't notice he is standing by himself. He has 6 teeth now, 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. Also, just this last week he learned how to fake laugh and it is adorable when he does it because all the other noises he makes. He says mama, dada, and hi along with waving goodbye or hello. Standing with the help of our furniture. William sporting his shades in the car to Grammy and Papa's house

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cold Medicine Recall for Infants and Chidlren

Here is a link to a website talking about the recall on Infant and Children's cold medicines. I'm going to call William's doctor office monday to ask about it because I've been giving it to him off and on the last couple of weeks for his teeth again. Here is the link:

Children's cold, allergy medicine recalled

Monday, March 22, 2010

6th Month Photo Shoot

Today we had William's 6th month photo shoot done at JC Penny. He did super even when he got tired towards the end and wasn't really cooperating with the photographer. I will put a few pictures on here and then give the website for you to look at the rest of the pictures. The website is and for customer enter Tara Engelsman and enjoy all of our wonderful pictures. This bath picture is probably my favorite out of all the pictures that were taken. William having some fun in the bath tub William in his second outfit and all smiles.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4 Generations Visit

4 Generations: Jason, William, Laurel, Ann, Julee (Jason's Mom), and Grandma Sue 3 Generations: Jason, William, and Great Grandma Sue So earlier this month we went and visited William's great-great Grandma Sue on Jason's side of the family. We visited for about 2 hours where we talked, showed her some christmas pics, and remembered things from the past. She looked amazing for being 89 years old. Her hair is long and up in a ponytail and super strong still. Also, a side note is that William got his first tooth on the bottom front last week. Here are pictures from the visit. Laurel, Ann, William, and Grandma Sue Jason, Me, William, and Grandma Sue

Friday, February 5, 2010

5 Months Old

William turned 5 months old last Friday. He is rolling all over the place, scooting on the ground by putting his face down and pushing with his toes, and getting some teeth. The teeth haven't come through yet, but you can feel lots of them on the bottom and top. He is eating like a pig too with eating 2 stage 1 baby foods at each meal time along with his bottle on demand. At his 4 month appointment he was 14.8 lbs so he is now probably about 16 lbs but I haven't weighed him since his appointment. He is wearing 6 month clothes and almost into 6-9 month clothes too. Still isn't able to sit up on his own, but he is getting better at sitting on his own and needs to use his hands to hold himself up. Here are a couple pictures of William.

Monday, January 4, 2010


William turned 4 months old last Tuesday and we had his appointment NewYears' morning. He is rolling all the time from his back to his stomach, holding his head all the way up, trying to sit up but now able to yet, and eating baby food. So far we have just tried cereal and apples, which he LOVES apple sauce and its the only way he will eat all of the cereal. He makes all kinds of noises now when talking, laughing, spitting, or just noises. At his appointment William weighed 14 lbs and 8 oz. He head is 43.2 inches and he is 24 inches long, which the doctor said he is above what average babies are at his age. Also, he got 3 shots in the leg and 1 oral shot. He liked the oral shot, but screamed as soon as the needle touched his skin again. He was whinny the rest of that day and a little the next so we gave him some medicine which he loved. Hope everyone had a great New Years and we'll keep you updated in the next couple of months.